Kitchari is an ancient healing combination of mung beans, rice and spices. Eaten at times when the immune system is compromised or for special seasonal cleansing purposes, you can think of kitchari as the Ayurvedic (and vegetarian!) equivalent to chicken noodle soup. Nourishing for mind, body and soul, kitchari kicks up the metabolism and immune system. This simple one-pot meal is easy to make and to digest, allowing the body to use less energy on digestive functions, and more on clearing and metabolizing ama (toxins) from the body. The combination of rice and mung beans makes a complete protein, meaning you will get enough nutrients to sustain a restful daily routine from this dish alone. The spices like ginger, turmeric, coriander, cumin and fennel, are anti-inflammatory and cleanse the blood, burn up toxins and improve Agni. It is also alkaline for the body, assisting in lowering the acidity of the blood and creating overall balance in our bodies.